
The only de brain washing station

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Visit the BFSG.ORG website Email Address: Tel No: 07375 945 591

ASD Kings and Queens  Saturday School Ages 6 – 16years Contact Tel. 075 3802 4039 African Sons and Daughters is always looking for committed people to volunteer and support our organisation.   Requirement for Tutors, Mentors, Community Outreach Workers, Administration, Committee Members

REPARATION & REPATRIATION March 1st August 2014 REPARATION March onto Parliament 1st August 2014 ( Black Friday ) Posted on 28th July 2014 by afiwe Mission statement of Rastafari Movement UK & REPARATION & REPATRIATION COMMITTEE   The R.M.(UK) R.R.C will endeavor to: Incite acknowledgement of the inhuman treatment inflicted on Afrikans against their will […]

Habari Gani from the Galaxy family. Chief Pa Kombrabia Our Sista Shanice and Dr. Aboo

If you would like to participate in the year-round mobilisation and organising programme and activities of the Reparations March please contact the Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March Committee as follows: Visit the website: Email: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: The Afrikan Emancipation Day Reparations March Twitter: @reparationmarch Telephone Number: 07922 035 446

Black People’s Day Of Action: Inside The 1981 New Cross Fire March That Brought Britain To A Standstill.   02/03/2020 12:52 GMT | Updated 18/01/2021 11:44 GMT By Nadine White The demonstration over the deaths of 13 young Black people stopped traffic on Blackfriars Bridge and signalled a turning point in the movement for UK […]

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